Saturday, October 24, 2009

No Ducking Reality

March 7, 2008

Today I wore one of my favorite T-shirts. I think one person actually smiled and commented. I've come to realize that some people don't see the humor (or the reality) of what's printed across the front...

"Top Ten Reasons to Procrastinate"

That's it.

Cute, huh?

Okay, I guess you have to BE a procrastinator to fully appreciate procrastination humor. And I definitely AM a procrastinator. In fact, I'm probably one of the worst kinds of procrastinators. I fool myself with my procrastination tactics and then feel ashamed of myself for not getting things done. I beat myself up and hang onto feelings of inferiority, comparing myself to those who do and complete and accomplish their goals without fail.

They're the ones with checklists that actually have checks.

It's not that I don't get many things done. I do. My days are full of productivity, tasks that demand (and get) immediate attention. I'm just not good at doing things that are challenging, yet not necessarily pressing...things that I want to do, but don't actually have to do.


Sarah said...

I agree! Oh, I agree.

So I finally figured out this is your blog. I love the title. Yes, I hope we can catch up soon too!

Kimberlee said...

Thanks, Sarah! It's something new. I'm glad you found it. :)

Bryan said...

Ahhh, the noise! "Clutter" has become one of my mantra words here lately. Clutter in the house, clutter in life, (otherwise known as "busy-ness") clutter in my head. Amazing, how as I examine and remove each piece of clutter, a little extra block of time/energy/motivation opens up.

Crayons said...

I know what you mean about procrastination. I don't really like "should's" or "shouldn'ts." I mean, if you are procrastinating, that's what you are doing. So sit down and do it 100% without narrating that you shouldn't. That's what I do if I'm wasting time or eating something that is fattening. I just do it 100% and see what happens.

Kimberlee said...

Good point, Bryan. So true!

I like your approach! I think that's one I could stick to. :)